Restorative Functional
What else would you be doing
if you knew your health dreams were inevitable?
What Do You Carry Around?

Miscarriages, stillbirths, or trouble conceiving.

Lose Weight For the Last Time
Stop the endless weight-loss plateaus or diet-hack cycles.

Hormonal Cycle Dysfunction
Anger, depression, painful periods, PMS/PMDD, PCOS, and Endometriosis.

Auto-Immune Conditions
From fibromyalgia to skin conditions to arthritis.

Depression & Fatigue
Can't sleep or sleep too much, lost your mojo, don't feel that will to live to propel you out of bed in the morning?

Something Else?
i.e. digestive pain, memory problems, high blood pressure, skin health, aging backward, thyroid conditions, and more.

An Artist, Homemaker, & Retired Nurse, came to me with energy Sleep & Heart challenges
Thank you so much. When I started the program I had very little energy, constantly out of breath, I did not sleep well and I was not able to run because of pain in my right knee. I definitely had inflammation in my body, both under my teeth and elsewhere.
With that said, I am proud to say that I have both lost weight and I am in better shape. I have higher quality of energy and I am almost "my old self, constantly on the go and doing something." I am pretty sure I could run at least 1 km with my grandchildren or maybe 2.
I think the best improvement is getting rid of my knee pain, sleep has also improved, heart issue are becoming fewer and fewer, which is great.
I definitely wish for a balance in my life, happiness, and even a better health ( one can always improve one self) in my life along with being with family, enjoying grandchildren and at last some travelling. Thank you for the list of books , I need to read. We learn as long as you live.
Olof P.
A Nurse & Entrepreneur came to me with Skin and Sleep challenges, & Over 2 Years of 23-25 day Periods, slowly growing more & more painful
After implementing the suggestions you made during our call I am happy to report my cycle was 30 days this month YAAYY! :D It was also less painful.
My skin has improved since stopping almond milk but rash is still there slightly. Sleep significantly improved. Thank you!
S. Jones
An Avid Blogger & Data Scientist Came to me For Better Sleep, Greater Energy, & To Lose Weight For the Last Time.
Taking the first step of reaching out for help and afraid of trying something sounds so "simple" (yet effective), now I would say "let's just give it a try" to my past self :-)
Overall, there was a noticeable gap between where I was and where I wanted to be in terms of health and well-being. However, with the program's help and guidance, I've made significant improvements and feel much better now.
I have built many new good habits and awareness of what I should do to achieve my health and well-being goals. Losing weight is not my ultimate goal, but one of the final goals - and I think I'm on track!
Isabella is very supportive, knowledgeable, and always good at finding a suitable solution for her client to reach their health goals!
Anh. N.
Founding Nutritional Therapy Practitioner of Will to Live Nutrition
Isabella Thor., CNTP runs a virtual functional private practice from the East Coast of Canada, helping men and women of all life stages from all over the world.
With a whole-body approach, she helps restore multiple "permanent conditions" from infertility, PCOS, painful periods, and "crazy" menopause, to reversing chronic "life-long" diagnoses like fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis.
Her Fat Release Program remains her most sought-after program, helping both men and women lose weight for the last time and keep it off.
With her deeply nourishing whole-body approach, she doesn't manage your symptoms, she resolves them.
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